Pioneer Millworks Privacy Policy

Ever wonder how we use the information you give us on this website, landing pages, chat system, and online shopping cart? Here's the latest as of 10-25-24:

What data is collected & how: Pioneer Millworks uses forms, cookies, and third-party tracking codes to collect names, addresses, email addresses, phone numbers, credit card information, and IP addresses. We may also collect information about your interests, purchase history, projects, or demographic information such as your gender, age, income, marital status or other information. Our analytics platforms, Shopify, landing page platform, email blasting platform, and custom relationship manager system (CRM) are places we store your data.

What we do with your data: Pioneer Millworks may use your data to communicate with you about our services/products, your project, and to update you on company information (such as events). We also use your information to measure success of our outreach. We do share your contact information with our sister company New Energy Works, who you may hear from time-to-time. We do not sell your information to any outside service or company. Ever.

How you can control you data: If you would like your information removed from our CRM, or you would like to unsubscribe from any of our communications, please email us at: with “Remove my Data” in the subject line. 

How we protect your data: We protect your data with strong data integrity and security measures that are monitored through technology third-party providers, including third-party secure payment gateways.

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