We've chosen these wood flooring products because of their durability and ease of installation. You can still use many of our other reclaimed and sustainable wood floors in commercial settings, and many do. Especially our more rugged options where additional wear becomes a feature of the floor -- adding to its story and patina. We're a fans of Settlers' Plank Oak or Black & Tan for these reasons.
For those that love the look of an oil finish, but want the durability of a polyurethane, we've created Pioneer Millworks Commercial Topcoat which can easily be added to the floors that you see featured here. These options come in our UV-oil finish, which offers complex tones & hues. Our Commercial Topcoat simply adds more durability to this finish, giving your floor's top layer more endurance for high-traffic.

With Pioneer Millworks Commercial Topcoat, you have the flexibility to do a full spray mop your floor more often, where with our UV-oil finishes we follow the NWFA's recommendation of once a month. Be sure your mop is not-too-wet and there's no standing water left on the floor. For best results, we recommend the WOCA cleaning products.