By Jered Slusser

Did I mention yet this winter that I miss my camper?

I was walking my property the other day (you know, around the .07 acres in Geneva that I own ) which takes about 30 seconds for a full loop, and I stared at the camper, wondering when the first outing would be. The boys have been asking about when we can go for the first time, and it really got me wondering as well, with temps running 50 – 60 here lately. I’m not sure when that will be. New York is a state where is can snow in May, so it is never safe to bet that it will be much before June.

Then today, walking by our boiler house ( we have 2 huge Garn boilers which take our waste wood and generate heat for our shop and kilns ) I could smell the Fir that was burning away in there. No smoke, just the pleasant sweet aroma, which is the same that I catch by the fire in the summer.

All this warm weather, thoughts of the camper, and general spring fever is making many of us think about the outdoors. Time to gear up at any one of the many outdoor retailers we work with, like Bass Pro Shops, and while you’re there check out the huge array of materials supplied by Pioneer Millworks. Flooring, barn siding, ceilings, timber trusses, and even wood for some of the fixtures, all came from our shop. If you’re out west, check out Columbia Sportswear and see all the Settlers’ Plank Oak on the walls & floors.

We love to get outdoors, thats for sure. We sponsor a big event every year, the Wild Water Derby, which runs on the rapids of the Canandaigua Outlet every spring. This has grown to become quite a gathering of water-loving folks, and our employees often enter rafts, or brave the rapids in canoes or kayaks. If you’re in the are, you should come by for sure!

So maybe if the weather cooperates this weekend, I’ll pop up the camper and air it out. Then again, maybe that's tempting fate a little too early. Maybe I’ll stick to some pre-season dreaming and shopping for now.

Thanks for checking in, keep in touch.

– Jered